Sponsor a Godpost
New for 2025!
You can now sponsor an AUK Godpost for a year and have your name displayed on a plaque with the Godpost of your choice every time the post is displayed at an event for an entire year, as well as on our website.
50% of the money raised through sponsorship will be used to cover the costs involved in storing, transporting and maintaining the Godpost, while the other 50% will go to the Nerthus Initiative, which aims to buy land to give AUK a permanent home.

You can buy a sponsorship for yourself or give it as a unique and thoughtful gift.

You can choose to sponsor the following Godposts: Odin, Freya, Thor, Hel, Tyr.

Sponsorships cost £10 and last for one calendar year (i.e 2025).

Your name (or the name of the person you gift the sponsorship to) will appear on a plaque displayed with the Godpost, and on our website.

Just 20 sponsorships are available for each Godpost, so be sure to buy yours before they sell out.

Sponsorships are limited to one per person per Godpost, but you can sponsor as many of the Godposts as you like.
You will be given the option to re-new your sponsorship for 2026, should you wish to.

Sponsoring a Godpost is a great way to help AUK cover the rising costs of storage, transport and maintenance of the Godposts, raise money for the Nerthus Initiative, and publicly show your devotion to a particular deity.
The Tyr Godpost will not be unveiled until the Great Heathen Gathering in August, however the plaque listing the sponsors will be displayed at all AUK events leading up to that event, and the names of the sponsors will be listed on our website alongside the sponsors of the existing posts.
Sign up today!
Sponsoring a Godpost does not entitle the sponsor to any ownership or “special access” to the Godpost.
All Godposts remain the exclusive property of Asatru UK CIC. In November 2025 all sponsors will be given a period of 30 days to re-new their sponsorship for 2026 should they wish to do so.
All sponsorships that are not renewed will be offered for sale in December 2025, along with sponsorships for the next Godpost. Should you not wish for your name to be displayed on either the website or the plaque, you will be given the option to opt out at checkout.